Thursday, February 14, 2008

Skippyjon Jones

Title: Skippyjon Jones Color Crazy
Author: Judy Schachner
Publisher: Dutton Children’s Books
Genre: Picture Book/ Colors
Age Range: K

Summary: Skippyjon Jones is a Siamese cat with very large ears. He goes through the book with crayons and colors different color pictures. He draws big blue suns, tall Yellow grass, Pink sky, etc.

Response: I think this is a cute book for a kindergartener or younger child to learn and reinforce colors. I like the illustrations colored in crayons. And the little cat reminds me of my little puppy. She is a rat terrier and they have big ears too.

Teaching ideas: this would definitely been done with kindergarten or younger. I would use this book to reinforce colors and have the children draw pictures using these colors.

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